On January 21, 2023, WizChinese and Palo Alto Chinese Parents’ Club (PACPC) hosted the 2023 Palo Alto Lunar New Year Fair at Mitchell Park Library’s Community Center from 11:30 AM to 5 PM. With co-sponsors City of Palo Alto, Palo Alto Council of PTA, Palo Alto Weekly, and Palo Alto Online, the community event celebrated the new Year of the Rabbit. Admission was free for Palo Alto residents, and proceeds from activities will be donated to the Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD). The celebration attracted over 10K attendees, and raised around 7.6K dollars. With caterers serving mouth-watering treats such as boba and dumplings, fun cultural activities including dumpling making, Chinese tea art, paper cutting, mahjong, and feng shui, and Chinese folk music, dances, and Western music performances, the fair celebrated Lunar New Year by bringing the community together. Silicon Valley Sunshine Interact helped with the planning and organizing of the event starting from October, and communicated with and reached out to organizations and groups to table or perform at the celebration. Additionally, our members helped set up the event in the morning, staying to oversee and help the event run smoothly, until the evening where we helped clean up. Thank you to Sydney Ling, Elise Chen, Colby Wang, Angela Rao, Ethan Wang, and Jason Hu for contributing to the success of the event.